

Saturday, January 11, 2014


Yeah, this is one of those film that requires multiple viewing in order to truly grasp what is happening and to fully understand it.  Primer is a remarkable film for two very simple reasons.  One, it was made on a very small budget of $7000.  And two, it is a very intriguing and engaging sci fi film.  This film is proof that you don't need huge aliens or explosions to make a great sci fi film that puts science back into the genre.  There is a wide amount of plot twists and crazy ideas that spurn in this ultra indie film, but that's apart of the charm in Primer.  Directed, Acted, Written, and Produced by a small time director named Shane Caruth, he excellently handles the very complex nature of the script and subject matter at hand.  What if we could really travel through time?  Would it be worth it?  Would it be......safe?

Primer is about two very promising engineering students, who are working on something.  At first, they are trying to create something that will reduce the weight of any object created.  It works at first, but some technical problems occur.  There's a bunch of techno gizmo talk that I didn't understand cause I have no clue on the subject.  However, soon, they discover something weird about one of their test subjects.  It's grown a fungus on it with a protein that could be built up in a matter of years.  However, the protein grew in a matter of days.  Soon, they discover that they have not created what they originally planned, but they created a time machine.  At first, they use it to cheat the stock market and they are making bank!  However, it soon comes to haunt them and let's say it's intense.

The best thing about Primer is the fact that it doesn't rely on special effects to make a good movie.  No, it focuses on the sheer mythology of this world that these two engineers created. It's very disturbing to think that this is what time travel could mean if it were true.  It is, in my book, the most realistic representation of time travel in a while.  However, it does set up rules within this world.  Then, it completely breaks them.  It may be the fact that in inventing this time machine, they created a time paradox.  It's insane and like Bruce Willis said in Looper "This whole time travel business, it fries your brain."  That is the case here.  They shoot out their lines a mile a minute and it could be very hard to hear what they said.  You better turn on your brain cause this will completely destroy you if you don't pay attention.

Of course, there are many problems with it.  Some could argue that the film isn't exactly entertaining for them and I would totally understand.  The film waits for a long time before any of the time travelling begins and considering that this film is only 77 minutes long, it would mean that a large portion of the film is pretty uneventful.  Also, the acting, which is done by a lot of first timers, can seem very amateur at times.  It kind of dampers with the believably aspect, but it doesn't hurt that badly.  Also, most of the film is exposition, giving off this tell-not-show feel.  I personally would like to see what was going on, but to understand it, you must rely fully on the words of the narrator.  But, I still enjoyed it.

Overall, Primer is what I would like to called a "science" fiction film.  Today, most sci fi films go through unrealistic lengths to be entertaining, but there really isn't science involved in any of the ideas.  However, Primer moves at a mile a minute while not having a single action sequence.  Some could argue that a large portion of it is pointless and the ending relies a little too much exposition.  And many of the rules set up in this film are practically broken by the time of the credits.  However, if you are willing to rather watch people speaking rather than explosive action sequence, this film is a must watch.  At the small budget this film received, director Shane Caruth did remarkable things with 7K.  That shows that we don't need big budgets to make good films.


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