

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Most Anticipated Films of 2014

2013 is officially done, and we leave behind that year of mediocre films for the new year.  There are many anticipated films coming out and I surely have a list.  This year will undoubtedly have stinkers and films that don't live up to the hype.  However, there might be that one special film that really makes you love this year.  Films all across the board from superhero films to monster bashes, invade your local movie theater and many will bring in the big racks of money.  So, without further ado, here's my Top 5 Most Anticipated Films of 2014.

The Raid 2
In 2011, a low budget, simple action film came out called the Raid: Redemption.  This film opened up to high amounts of praise, given from everyone.  A story about a group of elite cops facing off multiple gang members, trying to get to their target, may seem like a boring, regular action film.  However, the Raid Redemption used the simple premise it's advantage, giving us many thrilling fight scenes and great choreography.  With all that said, it's pretty obvious why the Raid 2 is very anticipated.  The trailer also seemed to give off this new feel.....Sort of like, they're taking this a completely different route.  Let's hope that we still get that same brutal fighting style.

The Grand Budapest Hotel
Featuring an A-list cast, this film seems pretty intriguing.  Of course, I'm a sucker to films with an original premise and interesting visual design, but something that makes this film stand out more than the others is purely the director: Wes Anderson.  He brought us great films like Fantastic Mr. Fox, The Royal Tenenbaums, and Moonrise Kingdom.  It's a pretty safe bet to say this will be good, if not great.  The trailer left me wondering what this will be about, but here's what I heard.  It will be about a young lobby boy who works at the legendary hotel while a war is going on.  He falls under the spell of concierge, plots of murder, and theft.  Sounds like a unique experience.

Monsters 2: Dark Continent
Recently, I watched a fantastic film on Netflix called Monsters.  Rather than being a full on monster movie, Monsters was more of a character driven film.  The director, who is doing the next Godzilla film, created a magnificent world filled with intrigue, beauty, and aliens.  It was basically part sci fi, part romance, and part social commentary (on immigration).  It was a clearly underrated film that got dumped on because mainly people where expecting more monsters, instead of people talking.  However, I knew what I was getting, so I had extremely low expectations (even though it has a 72% approval rating from the critics)  If they focus on the characters on this film, I think we will have a sure winner again.  Not much info has been released on this film, but judging by the name, I predict it will be located somewhere in Africa.  This definitely has my attention.
No trailer yet, but here's the trailer to the first film:

Deciding between #1 and #2 was a very tough decision, but ultimately, I felt that I was more hyped for #1.  Godzilla is being directed by the guy who made Monsters, which I explained was a very good film.  There is no shortage of anticipation from me.  This new creature feature not only has him, but it even has Bryan Cranston aka Walter White, coming in as someone.  Due to the fact that reading up on the film may cause some spoilers, I decided to not read up on what this film will exactly be about.  In fact, I plan on never watching any of the trailers for it cause I'm too excited for it.  This, right here, is a must see for IMAX.  The film seems like it could top my favorite film of 2014, but I won't let the hype get all the way to me.  I remember the terrible 1998 version, which haunts me to this day for the fact that I was caught off guard.  Also, did I mention Walter White will be in this?

I had to put Interstellar as #1 for a reason.  Actually, there are many reasons.  First off, I'm a sucker for time travel films, seeing as I've liked many of the ones I've seen.  I also like when someone tries to tackle time travel.  Sure, people could pick apart any time travel film.  However, people have to realize: Time travel within itself is a plothole.  You can't expect to make a good time travel film that has zero plot holes.  If you think you could do better, why not try?  Also, it's being directed by Christopher Nolan.  The guy who made Memento, Inception, The Dark Knight film series, the Prestige (though it did get a little too silly at the end).  Yeah, he's a great director.  Need more reason to see this?  It stars on of the best actors working today: Matthew McConaghey.  This guy did a complete 180 in his career, and he's coming off a very great Oscar season, being nominated for Best Actor.  If there is one thing I'm interested in seeing him do, it's a time travel film.  And look!  He's in one.

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