

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Alien invasion film reviews will continue with Predators.  So sue me.  This was pretty fun.  Predators is filled with a wider array of new ideas for the Predator franchise and it helps.  Adrien Brody is the lead man in this not-so-high-profile cast, but it has some good B-level actors.  Well, the original Predator was not a great film at all.  It's only considered a classic because Arnold Schwarzenegger was in it, and those famous words:  GET TOO DA CHOPA!   I wasn't a fan at all with that film.  Then, the Danny Glover sequel came out and it was one of the worst sci fi films ever.  Also, let's skip out on my feelings for the whole Alien vs Predator thing.  We all know those are downright awful.  So, the Predator franchise is not exactly good in any way.  It's a mediocre franchise that's been in an all time low recently.  So, where do they go?  Well, they went up, and that's for sure.  Predators is not only better than the last Predator film, but it's the best Predator film ever.

Set possibly around the time this film came out, Adrien Brody's character basically wakes up free falling only to be saved last minute by a parachute.  He's stuck in the middle of the forest and runs into a group of trained killers.  Every known lethal weapon is there.  They even have a cartel member too!  So, after wandering around a bit, they find out that they are being watched by someone or something.  Then, after walking a bit more, they find out they are not on Earth, but their on some unspecified planet.  And as Adrien Brody's character put it, "This is a game reserve, and we're the game."  Yes, everyone's second favorite extraterrestrial killer has sent our antiheroes onto a planet, so that they Predators can hunt and earn their honor.  Is the premise good?  Yes, actually, it's amazing.  I love the idea of being hunted down by something, as long as I'm not the prey or predator.  It keeps the film fresh alone and that's great!

Let me start off with one of the best parts.  The acting is phenomenal.  Who would have thought that Adrien Brody would seem like a great antihero?  Seriously, Adrien Brody?  Everyone else is meh, but Brody was on point.  So much so, that I just realized I called everyone phenomenal because of him.  Then, the action scenes are pretty fun.  I recall never caring for a single fight scene in the original.  The only thing that held the original up was Arnie and that's it.  Also, there are some quotable lines, but it's not that great of a script.  It's just serviceable.  Don't go in expecting a genius film and you'll come out very pleased.

However, there are some problems with this film, mainly with the one cameo.  I felt like the cameo was rushed into the film just to explain what exactly the Predators were doing and why they did it.  Then, said cameo has some loopy moments and it goes from a serious tone to a laughable one.  Thank god, that it was a cameo and nothing bigger because that would have pushed this into rotten territory.  Also, there is this one twist in this film, which I won't spoil, but it makes no sense.  I don't know what the point of the twist was, but it seemed thrown in there just to give the characters a new problem and it's pretty silly.  However, just like the cameo, it's over very quickly and that's good.  Also, there is this Yakuza gang member who is more of the silent fighter type and I wished he had more things to do.  He has his moment to shine, but it wasn't enough for me.  Also, Danny Trejo seems to be playing Machete again, but he isn't that annoying.  All in all, some will find these problems distracting, but I didn't.  I'm not saying this film was great or even good, but if you need something to pass time by, this film will work well.

Overall, Predators is a fun film.  Nothing more.  Nothing less.  The acting is okay, but Adrien Brody is fun to watch as a tough mercenary, even though he isn't exactly ripped.  The action scenes are thrilling enough, and it's the best Predator yet.  Also, I kinda a little biased towards this film because I remember this was my first Blu Ray experience with surround sound on a PS3, so don't start thinking that I genuinely loved this film.  It just holds a special place in my heart. However, Predator is a very flawed film in terms of a strange tonal shift with the cameo and an unnecessary twist that made one character's ambitions to be a little, well, too ambitious.  Also, to all you Predator fans, there are many nods to the original Arnie version, so there are some fun Easter Eggs, including the famous Spine-Rip.  Also, I forgot to mention the subplot about what's been going on with the Predators, but that was another refreshing idea that worked well.  If you want a fun time or just to pass time by, Predators will please.  I just can't help but be a little lenient on this film.


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