

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

22 Jump Street (2014)

I think I've lost my touch with comedy.  I really do believe it.  I used to enjoy these Jonah Hill/Seth Rogen raunchy type of films back when they were still fresh (such as Superbad, Pinapple Express, and the 40 Year Old Virgin).  However, as of late, I've stopped caring and found every new release from them (with the exception of This is the End) to be very tedious and just plain unfunny.  So, seeing Jonah Hill's name kinda took me.  It's not the directors' fault that I didn't really care (They really have no association with the Apatow gang), but just seeing Hill's name took me out.  And it didn't help that the trailers for the film were bland.  And the first one wasn't good.  So it's a safe bet to say that I went in with low expectations.  Thankfully, the film wasn't as bad as I thought it would.  Unfortunately, that doesn't mean it was good either.

22 Jump Street is basically a rehash of the first film, but set in a different location: College.  Officers Schmidt (Hill) and Jenko (Tatum) are infiltrating a college to find the supplier of a new drug: Wyfi (Not sure I I spelled it right, but it went something like that)  Same old, same old stuff.  However, the film is "self aware" of this and pokes fun, which made many people gush over it.  I didn't, and it's not like the film constantly poked fun at it.  It was just in a couple of scenes and that was it.

I can't hold a comedy film to the same standards as, let's say the Godfather, for the simple fact that the comedy isn't going for that.  This film prefers to go for a much more less serious vibe.  I could point out various plot holes and inconsistencies, but I don't cause they weren't really trying to make an award winning masterpiece. However, if I don't find a comedy to be funny, then what's the point of watching it?  Therein lies my first problem.  The film just wasn't funny.  Many jokes fell flat and the few jokes that did work were stretched out until it was just unfunny.

I find it hard to convey my exact criticisms on the film, save for the fact that it's unfunny, because there's just something about this film that I didn't enjoy.  Is it entertaining?  Mildly.  I found some of the action sequences to be a little enticing.  The two leads, along with supporting cast member Ice Cube, are very likable and have great chemistry.  The film perfectly captures the essence of college.  So what is it about this film that doesn't work?  It's a very vague question in my mind.  And I may find out as I continue to write on.

I think it might have been due to how obnoxious it was.  The film glorifies it's wit to an unbearable point.  When a film isn't amusing, yet it thinks it is, there's a problem to be had.  That's what maddened me so much about this film.  I love for a movie that has confidence, but there's a fine line between confidence and brash, and this film is brash.  A film so conceited and self glorifying usually gets my blood boiling.  And this film did, but I couldn't hate it cause others in my theater seemed to enjoy it, so I guess it's just me.

Now, with all that said, there are some positives within this film.  As previously mentioned, the two leads do decent with what they're given.  Both are likable, especially Hill, who I usually tend to find annoying.  Tatum and Hill's chemistry work in the film, and even though there isn't comical gold, the film is somewhat entertaining because of them.  With that said, they're not the bright spot of this film.  Instead, that title belongs to Ice Cube, who actually makes the film more worthwhile than it would've been.   He has one moment, in particular, that made he film much, much better, and it was one of the few comical moments in the film.  Unfortunately, it dragged on a bit, ruining the joke.  But, I found myself cackling during the first few punchlines.

Overall, 22 Jump Street is a missed opportunity.  Very few of the jokes hit, and the film is overly obnoxious with it's self referential gags and conceited tone.  However, I cannot say the film fully appalling, just bland. Lest I face the wrath of Phil Lord/Chris Miller fans, I'll just say that they did an okay job directing.  The two leads make the film work through their chemistry, and it's action scenes are thoroughly entertaining.  Ice Cube is also very enjoyable to watch as he literally chews the scenery up in one scene.  However, the film is nothing more than an exercise for me.  Partly cause it thinks highly of itself and partly because I just don't find it funny.  In the end of the day, 22 Jump Street is a good time killer, but nothing more than that.


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